Rank | Created Date ▲ | Views | Likes | Saves | Shares | Sound Name | Link |
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Rank | Label Name | Videos number |
1 | Interscope Records | 17 |
2 | Interscope | 14 |
3 | Lil Monsters LLC under exclusive license to Interscope Records | 4 |
4 | Digital Silver Records | 1 |
5 | EMI | 1 |
6 | Island Records | 1 |
7 | Kemosabe Records/RCA Records | 1 |
8 | Scruff & Slim Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Distributed by Catapult. | 1 |
9 | Streamcut/RCA Records | 1 |
10 | 10K Projects/Capitol Records | 1 |
10 of 13 labels
Rank | Label Name | Videos number |
1 | Universal Music Group | 37 |
2 | Sony Music Entertainment | 2 |
3 | Warner Music Group | 1 |
3 of 3 labels