Rank | Created Date ▲ | Views | Likes | Saves | Shares | Sound Name | Link |
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Rank | Label Name | Videos number |
1 | Legacy Music LLC | 327 |
2 | WE DO MUSIC | 81 |
3 | Barulhando Tudo | 70 |
4 | Gaara FF | 56 |
5 | KREZUS | 31 |
6 | Анимаккорд ЛТД 2008-2016 | 28 |
7 | Fiki, by Yellowcake, Inc. | 25 |
8 | Columbia/B1 Recordings/Ultra Records | 22 |
9 | Artbeatz LLC | 22 |
10 | Atlantic Records/ATG | 17 |
10 of 41 labels
Rank | Label Name | Videos number |
1 | Sony Music Entertainment | 44 |
2 | Warner Music Group | 29 |
3 | Universal Music Group | 22 |
3 of 3 labels